Understanding Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Diabetes is recognized as a major public health problem with epidemic proportions across the globe. Despite a larger percentage of the adult population dealing with diabetic disorders, the awareness levels are still very low. Individuals suffering from diabetes should be empowered with knowledge and awareness to manage their condition because a lack of diabetic foot care can…

Understanding Foot and Ankle Pain: When to seek help from a podiatrist

Studies suggest that up to 87% of people report having painful feet at some time in their lives. Stiffness and foot and ankle pain are more common in older adults. Indeed the extremely complex structure of the feet and ankle region often makes things difficult for younger individuals, including students participating in college sports teams.    …

Ingrown Toenails in Athletes: Prevention and Management

Studies suggest the prevalence of ingrown toenails among athletes. According to a study published in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, approximately 35% of athletes experienced ingrown toenails. The condition is more prevalent among runners due to their repeated foot movements.    Repetitive trauma and pressure on the toes are unavoidable in sports and athletic activities. In…

How Foot & Ankle Surgery Can Improve Your Quality of Life

On average, the recovery time for foot & ankle surgery can range from 6 to 12 weeks. Recovery time may get longer depending on specific conditions, the type of surgery and an individual’s ability to respond to treatments. Therefore, it is natural to have concerns about the surgical procedure.   While the recovery time may seem daunting,…

5 podiatry services for diabetic foot care

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that leads to severe complications like nerve damage and organ failure. Diabetic neuropathy or nerve damage is a serious complication that affects almost 50% of the diabetic population. Nerve damage conditions are linked with substantial morbidity which includes pain, foot ulcers and even amputations. Hence diabetic foot care is essential…

How do you treat ingrown toenails at home

Ingrown toenails can be significantly inconvenient sometimes. Individuals who habitually trim their toenails extremely short often suffer from painful ingrown toenails. During this condition, the edge of the toenail grows into the surrounding skin and causes discomfort.  When left untreated, ingrown toenails can cause inflammation, pain and swelling. It may also lead to severe infections.…

Why regular visits to a podiatrist are important for your overall health

Movement and balance are supported by feet, therefore a foot problem affects the gait and posture. As a result, secondary health issues may arise in the knee, hips or back regions. It can be stated that foot conditions impact the overall health and well-being of an individual. A study published in the Journal of Foot…

What to expect from Laser Toenail Fungus Removal

Toenail fungus or onychomycosis is a common condition. Millions of adults worldwide have discolored, thick or brittle nails. Though toenail fungus seems like a cosmetic problem, if left untreated, the infection can enter deep into the skin and cause permanent damage to the nail matrix. Toenail fungus is very difficult to treat and conventional treatments…

Coping with ingrown toenails: Day-to-day care and more

Ingrown toenails is a condition that varies in symptoms. Some patients experience mild discomfort, while for some the curled toenails can lead to severe pain and infection. Immediate consultation with a foot doctor is highly recommended to avoid serious complications like bone infection and foot deformities. Seeking medical attention is important because when left untreated…